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US State Department: Human Rights Report (March 2021)

[12 April 2021] - The report covers violations in 2020 and considers the treatment of children in military detention. The Report is mandated by Congress and documents human rights conditions in nearly 200 countries and territories. Staff in US embassies around the world compile the information contained in the Report.

ICC Prosecutor opens formal investigation into war crimes in the Palestinian Territories

[3 March 2021] - The International Criminal Court prosecutor confirms that her office will open a formal investigation into war crimes in the Palestinian Territories which will examine both sides in the conflict. The investigation will consider alleged crimes that have taken place since June 2014.

Evidence update: access to lawyers

[24 February 2021] – Under Israeli military law a detainee has the right to consult with a lawyer prior to interrogation. There are exceptions but generally these do not apply to children. A detainee must also be informed of this right prior to questioning. MCW considers respect for this right and recent developments.

ICC issues decision on territorial jurisdiction over Palestine

[5 February 2021] -Today, Pre-Trial Chamber I of the International Criminal Court decided, by majority, that the Court's territorial jurisdiction extends to the territories occupied by Israel since 1967. As Palestine has agreed to subject it to the terms of the terms of the ICC Rome Statute it should be treated as any other State Party.

Evidence update: night arrests and summonses

[14 January 2021] – Each year Israeli soldiers conduct about 3,200 search and arrest operations in Palestinian communities in the West Bank. In approximately 2,800 of these operations the arrests occur at night and in about 580 night-raids, a child is arrested. Israel justifies this practice on the basis of military rule.

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