Detention figures
End of June 2024:

Security Prisoners

Adults: 7.816
Children: 209
Total: 8,025

Percentage held in Israel:

Adults: 69%
Children: 50%

Administrative Detention

Adults: 3,302
Children: 75
Total: 3,377

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Newsletter - June 2021

Detention figures – According to data issued quarterly by the Israeli Prison Service (IPS), as of 31 March 2021, there were 4,309 Palestinians (West Bank, East Jerusalem, Gaza) held as “security prisoners” in detention facilities including 141 children (12-17 years). In the case of children there was a 3% decrease in the number compared with the previous month and an annual decrease of 16% compared with 2020. Less than 5 children were held in administrative detention. According to the IPS, 67% of child detainees were forcibly transferred and/or unlawfully detained in Israel in March in violation of Article 76 of the Fourth Geneva Convention and Article 8 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. More statistics 


UK Lawyers' Report - 9 years on - June 2021 marks 9 years since a delegation of UK lawyers reviewed the treatment of Palestinian children under Israeli military law and published their findings and recommendations. The Foreign Office funded report – Children in Military Custody – found undisputed evidence that the military detention system violates at least 6 articles under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and 2 articles under the Fourth Geneva Convention. The report concluded by making 40 recommendations. MCW has reviewed progress made in implementing the report’s 40 recommendations and concludes that 1 recommendation has been substantially implemented in 9 years – an implementation rate of 2.5 percent. Read more


Israeli army will stop nightly raids on Palestinian homes for "intel mapping" - The commander of the Israeli military's Central Command, Maj. Gen. Tamir Yadai, ordered that the army cease its intelligence-collecting raids on Palestinian homes in the West Bank, save for exceptional circumstances. The process of "intelligence mapping," as it is known in IDF terminology, involves Israeli soldiers entering the homes of Palestinians each night who are not suspected of any offenses, in order to register the home's occupants and describe the building. Yadai made this decision, which was first reported by the Kan public broadcaster, following security assessments and improvements of intelligence tools. Haaretz


A child's testimony - On 14 November 2020, a 15-year-old minor from Beit Fajjar is arrested at an Israeli police station in the West Bank. He reports being interrogated several times without first consulting with a lawyer or being informed of his right to silence. "About 10 Israeli military vehicles came to the bakery where I was working the night shift. It was around 2:30 a.m. The soldiers told the owner of the bakery that they were looking for someone who had a similar name to me. The soldiers then asked me for my name and then they left. I was terrified and so was the bakery owner and he drove me home. After the soldiers left the bakery they went to my house and searched it causing a lot of damage to the furniture." Read more


A soldier’s testimony - "The police didn't do anything" - In this video a former Israeli soldier provides a testimony to Breaking the Silence describing settler violence against Palestinians and the lack of effect response from the police. "One of the serious problems in Hebron was the [military] post near Beit Hadassah where there's a staircase in front. It's at the end of Shuhada street where Palestinians aren't allowed to walk. Palestinians walk up the stairs and continue on the other side where they're allowed to walk. That area is close to Beit Hadassah, a Jewish settlement, so it's prone to friction. It's a post at which one often encounters violent acts. Some soldier there was detaining two kids from Beit Hadassah." Video


875 Testimonies                                       MCW Annual Report (2020)                                     Videos