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US State Department Annual Global Report 2013

[March 2014] - The US State Department recently published its annual global report on human rights for 2013. As in 2012, the report identifies arbitrary arrest and associated torture and abuse as one of the three most significant human rights abuses in Israel and Palestine.

Translation in the military courts

[March 2014] - On 3 February 2013, the Israeli Supreme Court, sitting as the High Court of Justice, handed down a decision relating to the duty to translate documents into Arabic in the military courts in the West Bank in which Palestinian civilians are prosecuted.

Extent of night-time military raids in the West Bank

[March 2014] - On 26 February 2014, a briefing was conducted at Ofer military court by Israel's chief military prosecutor in the West Bank. During the briefing data was disclosed indicating that 1,004 Palestinian children from the West Bank were detained by the Israeli military in 2013.

UK Parliamentary group issues statement on night arrests

[February 2014] - On 25 February, the Britain-Palestine All Party Parliamentary Group and the Council for Arab-British Understanding issued a joint press statement regarding the recent announcement that Israel will establish a pilot scheme to issue summonses to Palestinian children suspected of crimes, instead of using night time arrests.

Night arrests - Developments assessed

[February 2014] - On 18 February, the Jerusalem Post reported Israel's chief military prosecutor for the West Bank, says he will soon publicly unveil a new pilot programme in which Israel will issue written summonses to Palestinian children wanted for questioning instead of arresting them at night.

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