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Business as usual for children arrested by the IDF (by Gerard Horton)

[September 2015] - Despite lofty promises and pilot programs aimed at improvement, evidence points to little change in the patterns of abuse Palestinian children are subjected to when arrested by the Israeli army.

The devastating effects of night raids on Palestinian families (by Salwa Duaibis)

[August 2015] - IDF night raids, an everyday occurrence in the occupied territories, ensure that Palestinians cannot feels safe in the one place where safety should be assured.

Ban Ki-moon and the detention of Palestinian children (by Gerard Horton)

[June 2015] - The connection between settlements and the military regime that detains some 1,000 Palestinian each year is becoming harder and harder to ignore.

Segregation is here, just look at Israel's legal system

[May 2015] - Although segregated buses provide a clear and obvious picture of discrimination, applying different laws to individuals living side by side may prove to have far greater legal, ethical and strategic consequences for Israel.

The illusion of change in the West Bank military courts

[May 2015] - Positive developments in the treatment of minors by Israeli security forces are overshadowed by partial and half-hearted implementation.

There's no nice way of building settlements in occupied territory

[March 2015] - Those familiar with the system know that as long as settlement construction continues, the abuse and intimidation of the Palestinian civilian population will be maintained.

IDF suspends plan to minimize nighttime arrests of children

[February 2015] - Despite concerns raised by the international community, the army suspends a pilot program meant to lessen the number of Palestinian children arrested in night raids.

Abiding by international law - when it's convenient

[November 2014] - Israeli institutions seek to obtain the benefits of the international legal order while refusing to accept the corresponding burdens and obligations.

A pretense of progress for children in Israel's military courts

[November 2014] - A new amendment requiring military authorities to videotape interrogations of Palestinian minors may seem like a step in the right direction. That is, until you read the fine print.

Israel's High Court chooses occupation over international law

[October 2014] - In at least two major decisions, Israel�s top court has shown it is prepared to uphold grave breaches of the Fourth Geneva Convention.

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