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Forcible transfer of children

[30 January 2022] - According to data released by the Israeli Prison Service (IPS), 64 percent of Palestinian children detained by Israeli military forces in the West Bank were transferred and detained inside Israel in 2021. The transfer and detention of these children outside the West Bank is classified as a war crime.

2021 In Review

[18 January 2022] - This statement contains a brief overview of significant child detention issues from the past year, including: detention data; age and gender; sentences and fines; administrative detention; link to settlements; forcible transfer; and a surge in solitary confinement cases.

Report: Surge in solitary confinement cases

[7 December 2021] – Historically, less than 4 percent of Palestinian child detainees have reported being held in solitary confinement as part of their interrogation process - or 20-40 children each year. A new report published today suggests that the proportion of children currently held in solitary confinement has surged to nearly 20 percent.

900 testimonies confirm UNICEF's finding of widespread abuse

[2 November 2021] – In October MCW collected its 900th testimony from a child detained by the Israeli military in the West Bank. This body of evidence collected between 2013 and 2021 tends to confirm UNICEF's 2013 conclusion that ill-treatment appears to be "widespread, systematic and institutionalised" throughout the system.

Israeli High Court confirms only Palestinian homes can be entered without a warrant

[6 October 2021] – On 1 September 2021, Israel's High Court handed down a decision in a petition seeking to limit the military's power to enter Palestinian homes. In dismissing the petition the Court noted that the claim of illegal discrimination due to the application of two sets of laws in the West Bank "was beyond the scope of the petition".

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