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Supreme Court of Israel's role in the occupation

[October 2014] - Since 1967, Israel's Supreme Court has heard thousands of petitions submitted on behalf of Palestinians living under military occupation. It should also be noted that although Arabic is an official language of the State of Israel, the decisions are only officially available in Hebrew,

MCW Progress Report - Children in Military Custody - 2 Years On

[September 2014] - In June 2012, a delegation of UK lawyers published the report: Children in Military Custody (UK Report). The Foreign Office funded report reviewed how children are treated in Israel's military court system taking into account both the legal framework and practice.

Evidence of possible hostage taking

[September 2014] - MCW has obtained evidence of a possible hostage taking incident which took place in the West Bank village of Deir Nidham in May 2014. The following account is taken from four testimonies collected from individuals involved in the incident.

Lack of effective remedies

[September 2014] - According to a recent report, 18 months after the Turkel Commission published recommendations for improving the way Israel investigates suspected violations of the laws of war, the army has yet to implement key suggestions. The report gives examples of the failure to implement the recommendations

Gaza - Resolve the root causes says the UN Secretary General

[July 2014] - On 22 July, during a press conference in Tel-Aviv, the UN Secretary General stated that: "My message is the same for Israelis and Palestinians: Stop fighting, start talking and take on the root causes of the conflict so that we are not at the same situation in the next six months or a year.

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