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A Letter from Ofer Military Court

[19 April 2021] - There is nowhere to shelter from the elements as we wait patiently for the security gate to open at Ofer military court near Jerusalem.

Haaretz - How the US State Department Deleted the Occupied Territories

[8 May 2018] - The US State Department has deleted the "Occupied Territories" from its human rights report. The report now adopts the 'occupation denial' language of senior Trump appointees.

Abolish the Israeli Juvenile Military Court (by Smadar Ben Natan)

[31 January 2018] - The Israeli public was outraged in December when a video of Ahed Tamimi, a 16-year-old Palestinian girl from the occupied West Bank, went viral. The video documents her and her cousin slapping and kicking Israeli soldiers.

There are thousands of Ahed Tamimis (by Chris Doyle)

[8 January 2018] - Every now and again, a Palestinian story rises out of the humdrum coverage and quotidian violence of the Israeli occupation to attract genuine international interest. It is currently the turn of Ahed Tamimi.

US Military Aid to Israel - From Another Perspective (by Bill Van Esveld)

[15 November 2017] - In the West Bank, the Israeli military applies harsh rules to Palestinian children and tries them in military courts, which have a near-100 percent conviction rate.

There's no beautifying Israel's treatment of Palestinian children

[24 September 2017] - The central problem at the heart of Israel�s half-century old military court system is clear: these courts will never reflect the interests of the defendants, but rather that of the regime of occupation.

Half a century of occupation threatens our international legal order

[4 June 2017] - Israel�s policy of cherry-picking legal obligations vis-a-vis Palestinians undermines the credibility of our legal order established in the aftermath of World War II. This could have dangerous implications for the rule of law beyond the region.

What on earth is going on in the West Bank - And how are we letting it happen?

[February 2017] - It�s cold. Really bitterly cold. The wind is whipping across the open countryside and the military compound I�m standing in is the first thing which breaks its path. It is the first week of January and I�m in Palestine.

Jerusalem Quarterly: Letter from Ofer

[February 2017] - There is almost nowhere to shelter from the burning July sun as we wait patiently for the security gate to click open at Ofer military court near Jerusalem.

Israeli army continue to flout regulations on child detainees

[29 August 2016] - Following numerous complaints and legal action concerning pain and injury caused by the use of plastic hand ties by the Israeli military on detainees, including children, the Military Advocate General announced new procedures.

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