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Testimony - "A 12-year-old boy"


Name: Anonymous
Rank: First Sergeant
Unit: Kfir Brigade
Location: Hebron, West Bank
Date: 2006

A former Israeli soldier provides a testimony to Breaking the Silence in which he describes chasing a group of 12-year-old Palestinian boys and how the soldiers did whatever they felt like doing.

Soldier: In Jalis, a situation developed – three solid days of chases. On one of the patrols it grew into a mad, mass riot where we chased some three kids from house to house and yelled: 'Where are they?’ at every house.
Interviewer: How old were the kids?
Soldier: I don’t know – 12-year-olds. It grew out of some small incident but this was already after three very charged days and it was insane. We didn’t end up finding those kids. When it happened and we entered houses, we began to hear some noises in the neighborhood. Shouts and noise. We entered one house where we saw them enter and asked directly: 'Where are they?’ We got everyone out of the house and they were not there. We searched the whole house and realized they must have exited from the back. In the meantime you hear a rumble down in the street as we prepare to exit. In order to get out, I stand there and push people like this with my weapon, sideways, and someone above me hits away with my gun-barrel.
Interviewer: What, at people’s heads?
Soldier: People’s mouths, heads. But this is a way to disperse a crowd. To make way. There were about 20 people just at the exit from the house. They spread out and ran, went down the street and began to throw chairs at us. I actually remember the image of a plastic chair flying overhead, and rocks, too. I feared for my life. Two patrols came and we dispersed everyone. But it all began with a chase of some kids.
Interviewer: Why were you chasing them to begin with?
Soldier: You don’t know what happens, you’re the sheriff, what do you mean, why? Why did he throw stuff at me? I throw back at him. Really, I think I was acting as a 12-year-old kid, what we did out there. But with weapons. I did whatever I felt like doing.