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Testimony - "Mortal fear"


Name: Anonymous
Rank: First Sergeant
Unit: Reserves
Location: Nablus, West Bank
Date: 2006

A former Israeli soldier provides a testimony to Breaking the Silence in which he describes how a Palestinian child was terrified when a soldier simply asked him what he was studying.

Soldier: We were in Ari’el where we put up checkposts without understanding why. In hindsight, several years later, you think: 'What incredible things I did there …’ You put up a checkpost out of boredom, sit there for a few hours and then continue on. Once I saw kids passing, and one of the guys, a reservist who spoke Arabic, wanted to ask them what they study. He didn’t mean it in a bad way. Then I saw how the kid nearly peed in his pants as the guy tried to kid with him, how the two worlds are simply disconnected. The guy was kidding and the kid was scared to death.