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The Zionist dream is not flourishing in Israel's military courts

[Haaretz: 16 January 2014]- At my West Bank yeshiva they taught me that my prayers would hasten the messiah. At a West Bank military court I discovered how poorly Israel is preparing for his arrival.

When Diaspora Jews visit a West Bank court

[Haaretz: 15 January 2014] - The Ofer military-court and prison complex doesn't appear on any must-see list of Israeli tourist attractions. But concerned Jewish tourists may be changing that.

UK lawyers briefed on West Bank military courts

[Jewish Chronicle: 10 January 2014] - A group of British Jewish lawyers have met their counterparts in Israel to discuss legal aspects of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The three-day visit, which began on Tuesday.

G4S contracts in Israeli occupied Palestinian territories face major investigation

[The Independent: 7 January 2014] - G4S, the security company which has lurched from crisis to crisis over the past two years, is facing an investigation by international authorities into its alleged activities in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories.

For first time, Israeli military court acquits Palestinians of stone throwing

[Haaretz: 2 January 2014] - The military court at Ofer army base has acquitted, for the first time, Palestinians charged with throwing rocks at a settler. The three Palestinians charged were found not guilty recently.

Israel raids on West Bank homes condemned

[Al Jazeera: 2 January 2014] - Human rights groups have reported a rise in Israeli military training exercises being held in Palestinian towns and villages. Israel was condemned by the groups on Thursday.

Palestinian villages subject to Israeli mock raids not told they are exercises

[The Guardian: 12 November 2013] - Palestinian civilians are being embroiled in Israeli military training, including mock arrests, raids on private homes and incursions into villages, without being told they are involved in army exercises.

Soldiers expose the underside of occupation during N. American tour

[Haaretz: 7 November 2013] - In an oak-paneled Harvard Law School hall, two former Israeli combat soldiers turned anti-occupation activists listened as a prominent professor compared their role to those of American soldiers of another era.

California police use of body cameras cuts violence and complaints

[The Guardian: 4 November 2013] - Body cameras worn by police in Rialto, California have resulted in better policing � and now other forces may follow suit. Over the past year all 70 of its uniformed officers have been kitted out with body cams.

Inside Shin Bet

[Al Jazeera: 24 October 2013] - An investigation into the methods used by Israel's controversial internal security service. Israel's internal security service, Shin Bet, or Shabak as it is known in both Hebrew and Arabic.

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