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UK Lawyers' Report - 11th anniversary

[26 June 2023] – This month marks 11 years since a delegation of UK lawyers reviewed the treatment of Palestinian children under Israeli military law and published their findings and recommendations. This update considers developments in implementing the Report's 40 recommendations.

Evidence update: prompt access to lawyers

[6 June 2023] – Under Israeli military law a detainee has the right to consult with a lawyer prior to interrogation. There are exceptions but generally these do not apply to children. A detainee must also be informed of the right prior to questioning. This update considers the latest evidence relating to this issue.

Evidence update: right to silence

[30 April 2023] – The right to remain silent during interrogation and at trial gives effect to the principle that a suspect is presumed innocent and the onus of proving otherwise is on the authorities. A suspect is not obliged to prove or disprove facts or incriminate themselves. This update considers the latest evidence on this issue.

The UNICEF Report - 10 years on

[30 March 2023] – Marking the 10th anniversary since UNICEF published the report - Children in Israeli Military Detention (2013). UNICEF concluded that: "the ill-treatment of children who come in contact with the military detention system appears to be widespread, systematic and institutionalized throughout the process."

State Department Human Rights Report (2022)

[26 March 2023] – On 20 March 2023, the US State Department published the Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2022. As in previous years the Report highlights human rights violations by multiple actors in the region and considers the treatment of Palestinian children held in Israeli military detention.

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