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Former Israeli soldier describes how IDF troops do not view Palestinians as 'human beings'

[The Independent: 30 October 2014] - A former Israeli soldier has described how IDF troops do not view Palestinians as human beings but instead as individuals with the potential to be terrorists.

IDF briefly detains mentally disabled Palestinian boy

[Haaretz: 20 October 2014] - Israeli troops detained a mentally disabled Palestinian boy, 11, and held him bound and blindfolded for about 15 minutes. Only after the boy's father convinced the soldiers that the boy had an impairment was he released.

In Interrogations, Teenagers Are Too Young to Know Better

[New York Times: 13 October 2014] - Even when police interrogators left the room, cameras kept recording the teenage suspects. Some paced. Several curled up and slept. One sobbed loudly.

Kids Behind Bars: Israel's Arbitrary Arrests of Palestinian Minors

[Spiegel Online: 7 October 2014] - Last year, approximately one thousand Palestinian children were arrested by Israeli forces, often for no reason. Advocates point to systemic abuse, including beatings and forced confessions.

Israeli army lags in reforming probes into Palestinian deaths

[Haaretz: 8 September 2014] - The IDF has yet to imply key recommendations issued by a commission held a year and a half ago, dedicated to improving the way Israel investigates suspected violations of the laws of war.

AG recommends psychiatric evaluations of Palestinian minors in custody

[Haaretz: 19 August 2014] - 'Military court judges should be allowed to request psychological evaluations of arrested Palestinian minors before deciding whether to extend their detention, Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein said.

Israeli army closes case on March death of Palestinian teen

[Haaretz: 11 July 2014] - The Israel Defense Forces closed its investigation looking into the circumstances of the death of Yusef Abu Aker Shawamreh, 14, who was killed by live fire in March. Shawamreh was fatally shot in the hip.

Analysis: Legal issues over rehabilitating Palestinian minors who commit crimes

[Jerusalem Post: 6 June 2014] - Col. Netanel Benishu, the president of the Military Appellate Court for Judea and Samaria, has ordered the IDF West Bank prosecutor to allow Palestinian minors suspected of crimes to be screened by a social worker.

Stories from an occupation: the Israelis who broke silence

[The Guardian: 8 June 2014] - A group called Breaking the Silence has spent 10 years collecting accounts from Israeli soldiers who served in the Palestinian territories. To mark the milestone, 10 hours' worth of testimony was read to an audience in Tel Aviv.

G4S to end Israeli jail contracts within three years

[Financial Times: 5 June 2014] - G4S, the global security company, has confirmed that it will end all its Israeli prison contracts within the next three years.

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