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UK lawyers' report - 10th anniversary

[15 June 2022] – This month marks 10 years since a delegation of UK lawyers reviewed the treatment of Palestinian children under Israeli military law and published their findings and recommendations. The report found undisputed evidence of breaches of the Fourth Geneva Convention and UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

US State Department Human Rights Report (2021)

[26 April 2022] - On 12 April 2022, the US State Department published its annual country report on human rights for 2021. As in previous years the Report highlights human rights violations by multiple actors in the region and considers the treatment of children held in Israeli military detention.

The UNICEF Report - 9 years on

[31 March 2022] – In 2013 UNICEF published the report - Children in Israeli Military Detention – following a review of Israel's military detention system including over 400 affidavits. UNICEF concluded that ill-treatment within the system appears to be "widespread, systematic and institutionalised."

Evidence update: night arrests and summonses (2022)

[29 February 2022] - Each year Israeli soldiers conduct between 3,500 - 4,500 search and arrest operations in Palestinian communities in the West Bank. This averages out at 10-12 operations each day. In over 80 percent of these cases the operations occur at night and involve the arrest of between 250-500 children.

Anniversary of ICC decision on jurisdiction

[28 February 2022] - This month marked the first anniversary since the International Criminal Court (ICC) determined that it possesses territorial jurisdiction over the territories occupied by Israel in 1967. During the intervening 12 months, a number of ICC member states have rejected the ruling of the court.

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