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Can the ICC retain legitimacy while selectively prosecuting the unlawful transfer of children?

[18 March 2023] – On 17 March 2023, the International Criminal Court ("ICC" or "the Court) issued warrants for two Russians allegedly responsible for the war crime of the unlawful transfer of population (children) from occupied areas of Ukraine to the Russian Federation. The alleged crimes were committed at least from February 2022.

Evidence update: Unlawful transfer

[7 March 2023] – According to data released by the Israeli Prison Service (IPS), 67 percent of Palestinian children detained by Israeli military forces in the occupied West Bank were unlawfully transferred out of the territory and detained inside Israel in 2022. The transfer of these children outside occupied territory is classified as a war crime.

Evidence updated: Night arrests and summonses

[9 February 2023] – Each year Israeli soldiers conduct between 3,500 - 4,500 search and arrest operations in Palestinian communities in the West Bank. This averages out at 10-12 operations each day. In over 80 percent of these cases the operations occur at night and involve the arrest of between 300-600 children annually.

International Court of Justice to consider legality of occupation

[10 January 2023] – On 30 December 2022, the UN General Assembly voted to submit a request for an advisory opinion from the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on the legality of Israel's 55-year occupation of Palestinian territory. This is the first advisory opinion on the conflict since the ICJ considered the legality of the Wall in 2004.

Military courts ban outside observation of minors

[15 December 2022] – Prior to the Covid Pandemic, public access to hearings involving minors in the military courts was generally permitted, subject to the consent of the child's parents. Since September 2022, MCW has observed a change in policy at Ofer military court, near Jerusalem.

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