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Israeli judge: Some Palestinian minors see jail sentence as way of escaping home

[Haaretz: 15 February 2015] - Military courts in the West Bank see several cases a year of Palestinian minors who clash with the army in order to be arrested and escape conditions at home, according to an Israeli judge.

Israel halts program to end night-arrests of children

[Ma'an News - 31 January 2015] - The Israeli military has shut down a program meant to decrease the number of night-time arrest raids targeting children in Palestinian homes after less than a year.

Analysis: ICC inquiry is a game changer for Israel

[Haaretz: 19 January 2015] - From the moment that the UN General Assembly recognized Palestine as a non-member state, it was clear that the current prosecutor would have difficulty not accepting Palestine as a state.

The Prosecutor of the ICC opens a preliminary examination of the situation in Palestine

[ICC: 16 January 2015] - Today the Prosecutor of the ICC, Mrs. Fatou Bensouda, opened a preliminary examination into the situation in Palestine. The Prosecutor's decision follows the Palestine's accession to the Rome Statute on 2 January 2015.

Abbas asks ICC to probe 'Israeli war crimes' since June '14, Palestinian sources say

[Haaretz: 1 January 2015] - Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas signed a declaration Thursday asking the International Criminal Court to investigate suspicions of war crimes committed in Palestine since June 13, said a nongovernmental Palestinian source.

Israeli military drops charges against Palestinian youths

[Haaretz: 10 December 2014] - Military prosecutors have repealed charges against three Palestinian youths accused of throwing oil-filled bottles at buses on the highway, after it turned out they had been threatened by a police officer.

CIA cited Israeli Supreme Court rulings to justify torture, Senate report says

[Haaretz: 10 December 2014] - The report by the US Senate on the CIA's interrogation of terror suspects reveals that the CIA's lawyers used the rulings of Israel's Supreme Court to construct a legal case justifying torture.

Deadly whitewash: Israel's culture of impunity in Palestinian deaths

[Haaretz: 27 November 2014] - Without the stubborn insistence of Palestinians and human rights groups, Nadim Nawara and Mohammed Salameh's killing by an Israeli soldier would have been just another routine, uninvestigated statistic.

Israeli soldiers did nothing to stop stone-throwing settlers, video shows

[Haaretz: 20 November 2014] - Soldiers present during a confrontation between Palestinians and settlers did nothing to stop the settlers from throwing stones and seemed to be defending them, according to recent videos.

In the West Bank, Israeli troops still escort Palestinian children to school

[The Washington Post: 1 November 2014] - Ten years ago, Israeli lawmakers convened a special meeting to hear testimony about Palestinian children being menaced by Israeli settlers in the occupied West Bank.

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