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Testimony - A.T.

On 29 July 2013, a 16-year-old minor from Al 'Arrub refugee camp was arrested by Israeli soldiers at 1:00 a.m. and accused of throwing stones. He reports ill-treatment and not being informed of his basic legal rights under Israeli military law. He reports being sentenced to 6 months in prison and fined NIS 1,000.

Testimony: R.F.

On 8 July 2013, a 17-year-old minor from Al 'Arrub was arrested by Israeli soldiers at 12:30 a.m. and accused of throwing Molotov cocktails and membership of a banned organisation. He reports ill-treatment and being denied his rights under Israeli military law. He reports being sentenced to 6 months in prison and fined NIS 2,000.

Testimony - M.B.

On 6 July 2013, a 15-year-old boy from Al 'Arrub refugee camp was arrested by Israeli soldiers at 2:00 a.m. and accused of throwing stones. He reports ill-treatment and being denied his basic rights under Israeli military law. He reports spending 1 night in prison before being released on bail of NIS 1,500.

Testimony: H.I.

On 2 July 2013, a 16-year-old minor from Beit Ummar was arrested by Israeli soldiers at 1:00 a.m. and accused of throwing stones, Molotov cocktails and starting a fire. He reports ill-treatment and being denied his basic legal rights under Israeli military law. He reports being sentenced to 6 months in prison and fined NIS 1,500.

Testimony: S.D.

On 2 July 2013, a 16-year-old minor from the Al Arrub refugee camp was arrested by Israeli soldiers at 1:30 a.m. and accused of throwing stones and Molotov cocktails. He reports ill-treatment and being denied his basic legal rights under Israeli military law. He reports being sentenced to 6 months in prison and fined NIS 1,500.

Testimony - Z.Q.

On 2 July 2013, a 15-year-old minor from the Al 'Arrub refugee camp, was arrested by Israeli soldiers at 2:30 a.m. and accused of throwing stones ant Molotov cocktails. He reports ill-treatment and being denied his legal rights under Israeli military law. He reports spending 4 months in prison and being fined NIS 2,500.

Testimony: M.J.

On 10 June 2013, a 17-year-old minor was detained in the street by an Israeli soldier at 2:30 p.m. and accused of throwing stones. He reports being denied his basic rights under Israeli military law. He reports spending 19 days in prison after his parents were unable to pay a fine of NIS 2,500.

Testimony - M.A.

On 6 June 2013, a 15-year-old boy from Beit Ummar, was arrested by Israeli soldiers near agricultural land at 6:00 p.m. He reports ill-treatment and being denied his basic legal rights under Israeli military law. He reports spending 6 nights in prison before being released on bail of NIS 3,500.

Testimony: H.M.W.

On 5 June 2013, a 15-year-old boy from the village of Al Khadr, was arrested by Israeli soldiers during clashes at 10:00 a.m. He reports ill-treatment and being denied his basic legal rights under Israeli military law. He reports being sentenced to 4 months in prison, fined NIS 1,000 and receiving a further 8 month suspended sentence.

Testimony - H.A.

On 16 May 2013, a 16-year-old boy from Beit Ummar was arrested at the police station in Gush Etzion settlement after responding to a summons. He reports being denied his basic legal rights under Israeli military law. He reports spending 6 days in detention before being released without charge.

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