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US State Department human rights report (2012)

This report covers human rights abuses in 2012. The report notes that children accused of throwing stones continue to report abuse, which in some cases may amount to torture, at the hands of the Israeli authorities. The treatment includes beatings, long-term handcuffing, threats, intimidation and solitary confinement with the purpose of coercing a confession.

UNICEF - Children in Israeli Military Detention (February 2013)

This report reviews over 400 cases and concludes that ill-treatment of children in the Israeli military detention system "appears to be widespread, systematic and institutionalized". UNICEF found a pattern of ill-treatment involving night time arrests; use of blindfolds; painful hand ties; and physical abuse. UNICEF also found that most children are transferred to Israel in violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention.

CAABU - Palestinian detainees: no security in injustice (September 2012)

This report notes that approximately 500-700 Palestinian children are prosecuted in Israeli military courts every year. The report observes that whereas Palestinian children in the West Bank are subject to martial law, settler children are subject to civilian law, with far greater rights and protections. The report traces the ill-treatment of children from the time of arrest to their eventual prosecution in the military courts.

Children in Military Custody (June 2012)

The report was produced by a delegation of prominent UK lawyers and is based on principles of the rule of law and children's rights. Based solely on legal differentials between Israeli military law and its international legal obligations, the report finds that Israel is in breach of its obligations under the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Fourth Geneva Convention. The report makes 40 recommendations.

On Torture (June 2012)

This report brings together several presentations that were delivered during the workshop by: Attorney Lea Tsemel; Dr. Ruchama Marton M.D.; Professor Manfred Nowak; Attorney Jamil Dakwar; Attorney Irit Ballas; Attorney Bana Shoughry-Badarne; Attorney Gerard Horton; Brigadier General (Ret.) Stephen N. Xenakis M.D.; Graciela Karmon M.D.; and Professor Lisa Hajjar

US State Department human rights report (2011)

This report covers human rights abuses in 2011. Israeli security services continued to abuse and in some cases torture minors who are frequently arrested on suspicion of stone throwing to coerce confessions. Tactics included beatings, long-term handcuffing, threats, and solitary confinement. The report also notes that in 2010 the military courts achieved a conviction rate of 99.74 per cent.

Adalah, PHR-Israel and Al Mezan: False Confessions by Palestinian Children and Adolescents under Coercion (November 2011)

This report considers the methods of detention and interrogation used on minors and the damage they cause to the mental and physical wellbeing of the child. Although each and every one of the detention and interrogation procedures mentioned can, by itself, be considered cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, the cumulative impact of these conditions, or even part of them, can constitute torture.

CAABU / MAP - Britain and Palestine: A parliamentary focus (Autumn 2011)

This report notes that since 2000, more than 7,000 children have been detained in Israeli jails. Children are often arrested in early-morning raids, during which time they are hooded, shackled and regularly subjected to abuse. Interrogations are not recorded and generally take place without the presence of a lawyer or a parent. These actions violate the Fourth Geneva Convention and the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

B'Tselem - No Minor Matter: Violation of the Rights of Palestinian Minors Arrested by Israel on Suspicion of Stone Throwing (July 2011)

This report reviews how children accused of throwing stones are treated following the establishment of military juvenile courts in 2009. The report reviewed 835 cases of children accused of throwing stones between 2005 and 2010. The report found that the punishment imposed on minors aged 14 to 17 and the figures provided by the military do not indicate any meaningful change made by the Youth Military Court.

Breaking the Silence Children and Youth: Soldiers Testimonies (2005-2011)

This report contains 47 testimonies from soldiers who have served in the West Bank and Gaza Strip relating to the treatment of children. In one testimony a former soldier describes the purpose behind the frequent incursions by the Israeli army into Palestinian villages is to create friction, just to grind the population making their lives more and more miserable in order to discourage stone throwing and resistance.

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