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1,000 testimonies and counting

[14 November 2022] - Since UNICEF concluded nearly 10 years ago that the ill-treatment of children held in Israeli military detention "appears to be widespread, systematic and instutionalized", Military Court Watch (MCW) has collected over 1,000 testimonies from detained minors.

Evidence update: Documentation in Hebrew

[10 October 2022] – In 2013, following an extensive review of the treatment of children held in Israeli military detention, UNICEF found evidence indicating that Palestinian children and their parents were frequently presented with documentation written in Hebrew by Israeli military authorities.

Evidence update: reports of physical violence at all-time highs

[8 September 2022] – In 2013, following an extensive review of the treatment of children held in Israeli military detention, UNICEF concluded that the: "ill-treatment of Palestinian children in the Israeli military detention system appears to be widespread, systematic and instutionalized."

Evidence Update: Transferring Children to Interrogation Centres on the Floor of Military Vehicles

[31 July 2022] – Following an extensive review of the treatment of children held in Israeli military detention, UNICEF reported that "many children are subjected to ill-treatment during the journey to the interrogation centre. Some suffer from being forced to lie on the floor of the vehicle.

UN Secretary-General's Report on Children in Armed Conflict

[18 July 2022] - In July 2022, the UN released the Annual Report of the Secretary-General on Children in Armed Conflict. The report includes trends regarding the impact of armed conflict on children in 2021. In relation to children in Israeli military detention, the UN notes that 85 percent report ill-treatment and breaches of due process.

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