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Testimony: N.A.H.S.


Name:  N.A.H.S.
Age:  16
Date:  5 November 2022
Location:  Al Mazra'a Asharqiya, West Bank
Accusation:  Throwing stones

On 5 November 2022, a 16-year-old minor from Al Mazra'a Asharqiya was arrested by Israeli soldiers after being shot during clashes near the settlement of Ofra at 8:30 p.m. He reports being denied his basic legal rights under Israeli military law. He was released on NIS 2,000 bail on 15 November 2022.

I was near the settlement of Ofra where there were clashes with Israeli soldiers. It was around 8:30 p.m. Some soldiers laid an ambush and shot live bullets in my direction. I was shot with three bullets; one just above my knee and another near my hip. Another bullet hit me just under my right underarm. I fell to the ground and I was bleeding heavily. 
I was left on the ground for about 20 minutes and no one did anything to help. Then the commander came and ordered an ambulance. He scolded the soldiers who shot me. The paramedics took off my clothes and then I passed out. I was taken to Sha’are Tzedek hospital in West Jerusalem and I was operated on. I spent eight days at the hospital.
Four days after I was shot  an interrogator came to the hospital to question me. I was still not well and under the influence of anesthetics after two surgeries. The interrogator asked me what I was doing in the area where I was arrested. I told him I was joining my family who were picking olives. He accused me of lying. He questioned me for about 15 minutes and then called a lawyer for me and allowed me to speak to him. The lawyer told me not to rush my answers and to think about every word. He told me my friend who was with me was killed by the soldiers. The interrogator was listening on speaker phone. The phone call lasted for about two minutes. Then the interrogator continued to question me.
The interrogator was wearing T-shirt and jeans and had a gun on his side. He spoke to me via an interpreter and did not inform me of my right to silence. Both the interrogator and the interpreter yelled at me. They wanted to know what I was doing in the valley. When I refused to answer their questions, they yelled louder.  They showed me a photograph of me on the ground bleeding with soldiers surrounding me. I was feeling nauseous and could not concentrate; I was still under the effect of medication. I was questioned for about an hour. I was not asked to sign any documents. 
I had a military court hearing two days later. I was still not well. My detention was extended. A few days later I was taken to Ofer prison, near Jerusalem, where I was strip searched before being taken to section 13. My second court hearing was on the day of my release. I was released on bail because of my medical condition. My father had to pay NIS 2,000 bail and I was told I had to come back to court again but they did not give me a specific date. 
I was released at Al- Jib checkpoint on 15 November 2022. My father was told to wait outside Ofer checkpoint. A Palestinian ambulance took me to the hospital in Ramallah where I had a checkup and I was sent home later in the day. 
I am still unable to walk and I am constantly in pain. I don’t go to school anymore and I am trying to work but it is not possible now.