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Testimony: Q.A.H.M.


Name: Q.A.H.M.
Age: 16
Date: 16 February 2017
Location: Beit Ummar, West Bank
Accusation: Throwing stones

On 16 February 2017, a 16-year-old minor from Beit Ummar was arrested by Israeli soldiers from home at 1:30 a.m. and accused of throwing stones. He reports consulting with a lawyer prior to being interrogated. He reports being released without charge 10 days after he was arrested. 

At around 1:30 a.m. I heard loud banging at our front door. I immediately woke my up mother. My mother answered the door and a group of Israeli soldiers entered our home and ordered all of us to gather in the living room. Then they asked for me and when I identified myself they took me aside and the commander showed me some photographs. He asked me to identify the person in the photograph and I told him I did not know who it was. Then he told me to get ready because I was under arrest. I don’t remember whether he gave any documents to my parents.
Then the soldiers took me outside and tied my hands behind my back with three plastic ties: one on each wrist and one connecting the two. The ties were slightly painful. They also blindfolded me. Then I was put in the back of a military jeep where I sat on a seat. The jeep drove towards the centre of the village where it stopped. I sat in the jeep for about two hours. Then the jeep drove to the police station in Etzion settlement.
At Etzion I was examined by a doctor who removed the ties and the blindfold and put them back on when he was done. Then I was taken back to the jeep which drove for about 15 minutes to the nearby settlement of Karmi Zur. At the settlement the commander told me not to be afraid because he was going to release me soon.
At Karmi Zur I was put in a shipping container where I sat on a chair and a soldier guarded me. I was left there until around 8:00 a.m. when I was put in the back of a vehicle which drove back to Etzion where I was immediately taken for interrogation.
The interrogator removed the ties and the blindfold. Before questioning me he told me I had the right to consult with a lawyer. I don’t remember whether he said anything about my right to silence. Then he called my father and told him I needed a lawyer. My father gave the interrogator the number of my lawyer and the interrogator called him and allowed me to speak to him. The lawyer told me to remain silent and not to sign any documents.
Then the interrogator accused me of throwing stones and Molotov cocktail at soldiers. I told him this was not true. Then he showed me photographs of boys throwing stones at soldiers and asked me to identify them and to confess against them and to say they were throwing stones. I told him I did not know the boys in the photograph. Then he showed me another photograph and told me it was of me throwing stones at soldiers. When I denied it was me the interrogator became angry and started to shout and say I was a liar. He swore at me and said I was "a son of a whore".
I was interrogated for about three hours. Throughout this time I denied the accusations. In the end the interrogator printed out a document in Hebrew and asked me to sign it but I refused because the lawyer told me not to sign any documents. Then I was photographed, fingerprinted and searched me in my underwear. I was then taken to a cell where I remained until around 11:00 p.m.
At around 11:00 p.m. I was shackled and handcuffed and taken to a troop carrier which drove for about two hours to Ofer prison, near Jerusalem. At Ofer I was again searched in my underwear and taken to Section 13.
The following day I was taken to Ofer military court. My parents did not attend but my lawyer was there and the hearing was adjourned. I was released from prison without charge on 26 February 2017, before my second military court hearing. My parents did not have to pay any fines and I was released at around 11:00 p.m. I went home with other prisoners who were released with me. I arrived home at around 1:00 a.m.