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Testimony: W.I.S.H.


Name: W.I.S.H.
Age: 13
Date: 24 January 2023
Location: Aida refugee camp, West Bank
Accusation: Throwing stones

On 24 January 2023, a 13-year-old minor was arrested from home by Israeli soldiers at 2:00 a.m.  He reports being interrogated and informed of his legal rights under Israeli military law. He was released the same day at Ofer military court on payment of NIS 5,000.

Israeli soldiers pushed open our front door at around 2:00 a.m. as we had forgotten to lock it before we went to bed. About 20 soldiers came into our home and some of them came straight into my bedroom. One of the soldiers woke me up and told me he was going to take me for questioning about throwing 30 stones at soldiers. He did not give my parents any documents but he told them they would bring me back when they are done with the questioning. 
The soldiers searched our house and found masks and Palestinian flags. They broke the wardrobes and the windows. They were not respectful at all. Then one of the soldiers handcuffed me to the front with metal handcuffs which were not painful. Then they took me on foot to the military watchtower by Rachel’s Tomb. One of the soldiers gave me some orange juice to drink and the other soldiers treated me well. About an hour later I was taken to Atarot police station, in East Jerusalem, where I was left in an outdoor cage for about 15 minutes before being taken for interrogation.
I was questioned by a female interrogator who was not wearing a uniform. She spoke to me via an interpreter. She phoned a lawyer for me and allowed me to speak to him. The lawyer told me not to confess. The call was short and the interrogator was not listening.
Then the interrogator told me I had the right to remain silent. She had a voice recorder on her desk and she had it on all the time. She spoke to me with respect and told me I was suspected of throwing stones. When I denied the accusation, she showed me some photographs but I continued to deny the accusation. She questioned me for about an hour and at the end she asked me to sign a document written in Arabic and I signed. 
After the interrogation I was taken to the military court at Ofer, near Jerusalem. My mother was there. The military judge decided to release me because of my age, and told me not to repeat it again. He made me say sorry and told me my parents had to pay NIS 5,000. The judge also gave me a suspended sentence of 5 months in prison suspended for two years.
After court I was taken into a waiting room where I waited until around 8:00 p.m., and then I was released. I was released on the same day and I went home with my mother who was waiting for me all this time.