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Testimony: K.Z.H.


Name: K.Z.H.
Age: 17
Date of incident: 18 September 2015
Kharbatha Al Misbah, West Bank
Accusation: Throwing stones
On 18 September 2015, a 17-year-old minor from Kharbatha Al Misbah was arrested by Israeli soldiers from home at 3:00 a.m. and accused of throwing stones. He reports ill treatment and being denied his basic legal rights under Israeli military law. He reports being released without charge 4 days after his arrest. 
About a month before I was arrested an Israeli officer called "Captain Tareq" phoned my father and asked him to accompany me to meet with him at Ofer interrogation centre. In response to this verbal summons my father and I went to Ofer at around 7:00 a.m. on the requested day. We were told to wait until we are allowed to go in. We waited for about five hours in the hot sun. At around noon a soldier told us we could enter the base for our meeting with Captain Tareq.
As soon as we entered Captain Tareq accused me of throwing stones and of causing lots of trouble in town. I told him this was not true. He then tried to reassure me and told me he wasn’t really interested in putting me in prison and destroying my future. He then asked me to leave the room. My father later told me that Captain Tareq said the same thing to my father. He told him he summoned me as a warning not to continue causing trouble. My father came out of the room and we both went home. The meeting lasted for about an hour.
About a month later Israeli soldiers raided our home at around 3:00 a.m. They immediately asked for me and came into my room and told me to get up because they were going to take me with them. My father told them we had met with Captain Tareq and that there were no problems. A soldier told my father that Captain Tareq himself had sent them to arrest me. When my father asked for the reason for my arrest a soldier told my father I would find out from Captain Tareq himself. They did not give us any documents.
I was then taken out of our house and my hands were tied behind my back with one plastic tie. The tie was not painful. They also shackled me and searched me and forced me into the back of a troop carrier where I sat on a seat. Once inside the troop carrier some soldiers kicked me.
I remained in the stationary vehicle for about one-and-a-half hours while the soldiers arrested more people. The troop carrier then drove to the military watchtower near the settlement of Beit Horon.  They made me sit outside the watchtower from around 4:30 a.m. until around 2:00 p.m. in the hot weather. They allowed me to use the toilet once but it was hard to use the toilet with my hands tied. A doctor then examined me and asked me whether I had any allergies.
I was then taken to a military jeep where they made me sit on the floor. The jeep drove for about an hour to the police station in Binyamin settlement where I was taken to a room and I waited on a bed until around 5:00 p.m. Soldiers then removed the tie and I was taken for interrogation.
As soon as I entered the interrogation room the interrogator asked me if I wanted a lawyer. I told him I didn’t but asked him to inform my parents where I was.  The interrogation lasted for about 30 minutes. The interrogator did not inform me that I had a right to silence.
The interrogator then accused me of throwing stones at settler cars on Route 443 near my village. I told him I didn’t throw stones at anyone. He told me there were confessions against me but he never confronted me with anyone. He continued to direct the same accusation and the questions were mostly about throwing stones.  I was shackled during the interrogation.
The interrogator was typing on his computer and then he asked me to sign some documents in Hebrew but I refused. He then took my photograph and my fingerprints and sent me to another room where I remained on the floor until around 10:00 p.m. I was given some water during this time.
At around 10:00 p.m. I was handcuffed with another detainee and both of us were taken to a jeep where we sat on a seat. The soldiers asked us to sit with our hands tied together to the back. I was blindfolded and the jeep drove for about two hours before it arrived at Ofer prison, near Jerusalem, where I was strip searched and a doctor examined me. I was given prison uniform and taken to Section 13.
Two days later I was taken to Ofer military court. A lawyer was there but my parents did not come because they were not informed of the hearing. The hearing was adjourned. On 21 September 2015, soldiers shackled and handcuffed me to the front and put me in a troop carrier which drove for about an hour before it stopped at Binyamin police station. I was immediately taken for another interrogation.
The interrogator directed the same accusations to me without informing me of any rights. I denied the accusation. He removed the handcuffs but kept my legs shackled. I was then photographed from different angels and a soldier wrote down other details like the colour of my hair and my eyes. They also took my fingerprints again. Then the soldiers told me to call my father and ask him to come and pick me up. My father came an hour later and I went home with him. We arrived home at around 1:00 p.m. on 21 September 2015.