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Israeli soldiers did nothing to stop stone-throwing settlers, video shows

 By Gill Cohen

[20 November 2014] - Soldiers present during a confrontation between Palestinians and settlers did nothing to stop the settlers from throwing stones and seemed to be defending them, according to videos released Wednesday by the Yesh Din human rights group.

According to the Israel Defense Forces, some 200 Palestinians and 50 settlers threw stones at each other in an area between the settlement of Yitzhar and the Palestinian village of Urif. The IDF said the soldiers shot gas canisters to disperse the youths, although this isn’t seen in the videos.
The videos do show masked settlers throwing stones at Palestinians, with the soldiers standing by. The soldiers are seen with their guns drawn and pointed at the Palestinians, with their backs to the settlers. At least five soldiers were present when the settlers threw stones.
Yesh Din said the confrontation began before the soldiers arrived and included the throwing of stones and iron bars, as well as the burning of tires. The group said a 13-year-old boy suffered a light head wound from a thrown stone and was treated at Rafidia Hospital in Nablus. The IDF Spokesman’s Office said there were no injuries.
“IDF soldiers have the obligation, based on international law and High Court of Justice rulings, to protect Palestinian residents from violence, and IDF soldiers have the authority to detain suspects, including Israeli suspects, until the police arrive,”  Yesh Din said in a statement.
Attorney Emily Schaeffer Omer-Man of Yesh Din added: “Once again it turns out that IDF soldiers are failing to meet their obligation to protect Palestinians subjected to vicious attacks by settlers near their own homes.”