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Testimony: M.A.A.F.


Name: M.A.A.F.
Age: 15
Date: 12 October 2022
Location: Hebron, West Bank
Accusation: Throwintg stones

On 12 October 2022, a 15-year-old minor from Beit Kahel was arrested by Israeli soldiers during clashes in Hebron at 8:30 p.m. He reports being held in solitary confinement for 2 weeks. He reports consulting with a lawyer prior to interrogation but not being informed of his right to silence by the interrogator. He was sentenced to 6 months in prison and fined NIS 2,000. 

After shopping for clothes and doing other errands I went to a neighbourhood called Bab Azzawiyeh in Hebron. It was around 8:30 p.m.  I arrived there soon after some young men had thrown stones at a group of Israeli soldiers. Just when I got there the soldiers came through the metal turnstile at the checkpoint and started to shoot in my direction. I was terrified. They were shooting from behind me and when I started to run, another group of soldiers started to shoot from the front. I was confused and did not know which way to run.
Then a soldier grabbed me and pressed my chest against the metal railing in front of a shop. I was in pain and I still feel pain until this day. Then he took me to the nearby military base where he tied my hands behind my back with two plastic ties on top of each other. He tightened the ties and I was in pain. I was then blindfolded and left there from around 9:00 p.m. until around 7:00 a.m. the following day. 
During this time my hands swelled and turned blue. I pleaded with the soldiers to loosen the ties but no one listened to me. They made me take off my shirt and then turned the air conditioned on cold. The soldiers kicked me each time I fell asleep to wake me up. They also made fun of me and did not allow me to use the toilet and verbally abused me. 
At around 7:00 a.m. I was taken to the police station in Etzion settlement for interrogation. Just before taking me to the interrogation room a soldier removed the ties and the blindfold. 
The interrogator wore civilian clothes and was making coffee when I entered the room. He greeted me told me his name was "Captain Niazi". Then he phoned a lawyer for me. The lawyer refused to tell me his name and just told me he was my lawyer.  We spoke for about a minute and the interrogator was listening. Then the interrogator asked me to sign a document that I spoke to a lawyer. I refused to sign because I did not know the name of the lawyer and I was suspicious that he was even a lawyer.
The interrogator did not inform me of my right to silence. He wanted me to tell him what I had done. Then he accused me of throwing stones at soldiers. When I denied the accusation, he thumped the table aggressively. He questioned me for about 30 minutes. He told me other boys had confessed against me and he named the boys. I told him I did not know the boys. Then he wanted me to sign a document written in Hebrew. I refused to sign because I did not understand it. 
After being interrogated I was taken to a military jeep which drove around and then dropped me off at a place I did not recognize. I was taken to a cell where I spent two weeks in solitary confinement. The cell was small and the walls were rough and dark. There were no windows and I could not tell whether it was day or night. There was a bathroom but it did not have a door. I was very tired and could not sleep well. Food was unappetizing and I could not eat it.
Two week later I was transferred to Ofer prison, near Jerusalem, where I was strip searched before being taken to section 13. My first military court hearing was a week after my arrest because the court was closed for the Jewish holidays. My parents were not there because no one informed them. My detention was extended. 
I had about 20 military court hearings. The last hearing was on 12 December 2022. I was sentenced in a plea bargain to six months in prison and fined NIS 2,000. I was also given another six months in prison suspended for three years. 
In prison I studied Arabic, Hebrew and mathematics and I cleaned the cell. My parents visited me once and I called them twice a month form a prison telephone. 
I was granted early release and left Ofer prison on 7 February 2023. I went home with my grandfather and my uncle. We arrived home at around 5:00 p.m. I don’t go to school anymore and I work at a restaurant.