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Testimony - "It's not right"


Name: Anonymous
Rank: First Sergeant
Unit: Nahal Brigade
Location: Jenin, West Bank
Date: 2008
A former Israeli soldier provides a testimony to Breaking the Silence in which he describes a video clip on a mobile phone taken by another soldier showing shackled children being kicked.
Soldier: In Jalame, Jenin, while in squad commander’s training, a driver showed me pictures of two kids they had caught, shackled, and kicked …
Interviewer: He told you about this?
Soldier: He showed me the video he took on his cell phone. Sitting shackled, and some soldier walks by and – pow – kicks them in the back or something. I felt so … In hindsight I thought: Why didn’t I just tell him to stop? It was only later that I told him that was wrong, and he gave me a piece of his mind, this driver.