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A significant number of minors continue to report being threatened during arrest, transfer and/or interrogation although there has been a small decline in the number of reports in 2015. The types of threats reported include: detained for lifebeating; placed in a stress positionindefinite detention; thrown off a roof; removal of finger nails; placed in solitary confinement; electrocution; shooting; shouting and intimidation; threats against the child's family; threats to demolish the family homeprevented from seeing family again; placed in a room with snakes and scorpions; assaulted with a power drill ; denial of food; falsely exposed as a collabortor; threatened with dogsrape and castration.

International juvenile justice standards prohibit degrading treatment and emphasise that the best interests of the child shall be a primary consideration. In accordance with these standards, UNICEF has noted that all children in contact with judicial systems should be treated with dignity and respect at all times.
Israeli military standard operating procedures and policies relating to the arrest of minors stipulate that: “at all stages of the arrest and transfer process to an interrogation centre, the commander of the force must ensure that the detainee’s dignity is upheld, including: the detainee must not be subjected to physical or verbal violence, or any other inappropriate behavior”. 

The evidence indicates that both international standards and Israeli military standard operating procedures continue to be ignored in many cases.

Additional cases

  1. R.E.D.A. - March 2024
  2. H.E.M.L. - March 2024
  3. I.R.A.B. - January 2024
  4. R.U.O.R. - November 2023
  5. N.A.Z.A. - August 2023
  6. M.A.S.I. - June 2023
  7. D.S.A.A. - May 2023
  8. H.T.I.A. - April 2023
  9. F.A.L.A. - April 2023
  10. I.N.A.D. - March 2023