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Video Gallery

Stone Cold Justice
View: 36292
The Law in These Parts
View: 27734
The Gate Keepers
View: 21373
The Guardian - Solitary confinement in Cell 36
View: 31606
Mapping children in An Nabi Saleh
View: 25450
Child arrest - West Bank village of An Nabi Saleh
View: 28597
Breaking the Silence -Training on Palestinians
View: 23918
Breaking the Silence - Guarding a sterile road
View: 22635
Breaking the Silence - Why should I kill him?
View: 25129
Breaking the Silence - No such thing as a person unfit for detention
View: 22422
Breaking the Silence - Going to the bathroom
View: 26882
Breaking the Silence - Everything was filmed
View: 20024
Breaking the Silience - How to disperse a demonstration
View: 25053
Breaking the Silence - How to ruin someone's day
View: 27031
Breaking the Silence - Throwing them into a small cell
View: 22690
Breaking the Silence - She had an exam
View: 22005
Breaking the Silence - Randomness and Routine
View: 32574
Breaking the Silence - A road only for settlers
View: 26251
Breaking the Silence - Demonstration of presence
View: 21030
Breaking the Silence - Pictures at 3 am
View: 31028
Breaking the Silence - Settler violence
View: 28008
Breaking the Silence - There were always 3-4 detainees
View: 22923
Breaking the Silence - A village turned upside-down
View: 29906
Breaking the Silence - Detainee abuse
View: 20699
Breaking the Silence - I received a new report
View: 24193
Breaking the Silence - Patrols at night and house incursions
View: 23660
Breaking the Silence - Flak jackets with "Death to Arabs" written on them
View: 21762
Breaking the Silence - You know what's cool to do
View: 25407
Breaking the Silence - The Crew Commander Sent a Kid Inside
View: 25481
Breaking the Silence - Get Someone in the Leg
View: 19951
Breaking the Silence - He Only Understands Violence
View: 20215
Breaking the Silence - Children in front of my gun barrel
View: 17541
Breaking the Silence - Company commander shoots live fire
View: 18910
Breaking the Silence - For show
View: 19269
Breaking the Silence - Commanders' patrol
View: 19183
Breaking the Silence - If stones are thrown again we close the school
View: 23682
Breaking the Silence - Child arrest
View: 21002
Breaking the Silence - Toy guns forbidden
View: 21070
Breaking the Silence - We returned to the base with a child
View: 19019
Breaking the Silence - What are demonstrations of presence?
View: 20989
Breaking the Silence - It's a village full of terrorists
View: 17625
Breaking the Silence - Just about having fun
View: 17801
Breaking the Silence - Breaking the routine
View: 17093
Breaking the Silence - Fun in officers training course
View: 18837
Breaking the Silence - To show them who's who
View: 19044
Breaking the Silence - Create the sense of persecution
View: 17811
Breaking the Silence - At every moment the IDF is there
View: 20100
Breaking the Silence - I've reached the limit
View: 20501
Breaking the Silence - Kidnapping patrol
View: 17221
Breaking the Silence - Like prisoners in a giant jail
View: 17403
Breaking the Silence - How to create a sense of being pursued
View: 18184
Breaking the Silence - What does a jeep do on patrol
View: 18708
Breaking the Silence - Firing to demonstrate presence
View: 16065
Breaking the Silence - "Go find friends in the village"
View: 18906
Breaking the Silence - The beaufort of the occupied territories
View: 26167
Breaking the silence - Helicopter and tank noises
View: 18748
Breaking the Silence - Home incursions
View: 21233
Breaking the Silence - Quota for proactive activity
View: 16612
Breaking the Silence - Project the laser in the middle of the day
View: 17749
Breaking the Silence - Practice
View: 19653
Breaking the Silence - Entitled
View: 23173
Breaking the Silence - That's us
View: 15653
Breaking the Silence - They split his head open
View: 19159
Breaking the Silence - You're tearing families apart
View: 21665
Breaking the Silence - Butt of a rifle in his face
View: 16752
Breaking the Silence - He really thought he'd explode
View: 17199
Breaking the Silence - First time in the field
View: 21824
Breaking the Silence - Escorting detainees to prison
View: 25185
Breaking the Silence - These things, they happen all the time
View: 31380
Breaking the Silence - Drying them out
View: 21435
Breaking the Silence - To give him a heavy blow
View: 22831
Breaking the Silence - Abusing mad Fadi
View: 21200
Breaking the Silence - Standing outside in the snow
View: 17850
Breaking the Silence - "He was almost completely bound"
View: 22090
Breaking the Silence - The family was scared to death
View: 18399
Breaking the Silence - The same last name
View: 22654
Breaking the Silence - The mood changes from one battalion commander to the other
View: 22175
Breaking the Silence - Like loading cattle
View: 23103
Breaking the Silence - Equal treatment
View: 17742
Breaking the Silence - Shin Bet violent method of interrogating
View: 20140
Breaking the Silence - Bring in all the men
View: 23564
Breaking the Silence - We called these operations 'actzia'
View: 17249
Breaking the Silence - First time in the territories
View: 18937
Breaking the Silence - Mock arrest
View: 20665